Living with Psoriasis Blog

Tips for living with Psoriasis.
Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential to managing psoriasis, but it’s not always easy. It can be a challenge to learn how to live with psoriasis while keeping up all the activities you love.Read More →

Tips to Help Reduce Flare-ups Caused by Psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a skin disorder that thousands of Americans battle with daily.Here are a few tips on how to reduce inflammation caused by psoriasis.Read More →

Keeping Itching and Flaking at Bay: The Best Shampoos for Scalp Psoriasis.
Do you find yourself constantly fighting an itchy, flakey scalp? Do you suffer from thick, swollen red patches that are more than your typical case of dandruff? What you are battling is likely a form of psoriasis referred to as scalp psoriasis.
Can CBD Reduce Psoriasis Symptoms?
With all of the headlines pointing to the healing powers of cannabidiol (CBD)—one of more than 80 chemical compounds in the cannabis plant—it’s natural to wonder: Can using CBD oil help relieve psoriasis symptoms?
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